Homeland: tropical forests of Central America, Brazil and southern Argentina.
An epiphytic plant that grows on trees and their branches.
Flowering of one branch lasts 4-5 months.
Indoor storage conditions
Lighting: bright, diffused light, shading from direct sunlight. In summer it should be placed at the eastern, western and northern windows, in winter - southern.
Temperature: the same throughout the year, in summer (comfortable) 18-25°С, in winter not lower than 16°С. At high temperatures in summer, frequent spraying with warm water is recommended.
Watering: the soil in the pot is moistened only after it has dried, with warm tap water. Waterlogging the soil is more dangerous than drying it out.
At temperatures above 20-22 ° C, you can periodically "water as in nature" - water is poured into the center of the leaf branch, after a while it is poured with water and the branch is dried with a dry towel. to prevent wilting.
Each branch blooms once in a lifetime, after flowering the plant dies. Usually, by this time, its replacement daughter growths are formed - which later bloom.
When transplanting, you can use soil for orchids, drainage is necessary.